How to Enter:
Nominate your family for a chance to win. We want to know why you feel your family is deserving of fabulous Disney Cruise! Visit this page for official rules and regulations.
Entries will be strictly via Facebook. To enter:
(1) You must post a video or picture(s) with your story about why you want to win this cruise on Dellutri Travel Agency’s Facebook page.
(2) You must like Dellutri Travel Agency Facebook page.
(3) You must like the Dellutri Law Group Facebook page.
The Prize:
A 3-Day Disney Cruise for a family up to 4 courtesy of Dellutri Travel Agency and a $500 Disney Gift Card courtesy of Dellutri Law Group to use on the cruise.
How to Win:
Winners will be selected based on following criteria:
- We want to see your creativity! Please keep it appropriate. Come up with a cool video, for example, set your story to a Christmas Carol, Dress as Snowmen, or post a picture and provide a story in Dr. Seuss’ style! 300 points will be up for grabs here.
- Earn 1 extra point for each of person who “likes” your original post on our Facebook Page.
- Earn 2 extra points for each person who “comments” as to why they agree you should win. We want to hear from them too!